CSIE Working Papers
ISSN 2537-6187

Issue 9 | June 2018


Authors: Mariana ZUBENSCHI

Abstract: This article is devoted to the investigation of human-organization space from an eco-human perspective by maintaining the balance between positive and negative effects, as well as adjusting the own resources and internal careers to the requirements of the professional environment. The general objective of the study was to investigate the relationships between career anchors and psychosocial factors in the professional environment of the "Self" axis. The „Self” axis has an internal meaning, and is made up of the factors that influence it in the professional relationship with the self. The general objective of the study is to examine the specifics of the professional environment, given by the profile of the career anchors. The proposed specific objectives have taken into account the moderator role of the anchors of the careers shown in the researches of scholars: Schein, Bart, Feldman, Bolino, Wills, Brawn, Obi, Yueran, Liu, Öngen, Munir, Nielsen, Jafri and others, as well as a guarantee of professional balance. The consonance of professional psychosocial factors, to the internal and external aspects of the specific careers in service system for humanity, it is play the role of an useful strategy in the design of the career path in the current conditions of life, and the qualitative contribution of the interdisciplinary of the research will contribute to a deeper understanding of the studied phenomenon, in a polyvalent and pragmatic weighted configuration. The sample consisted of 287 participants from three professional fields: medicine, education and social work. Based on the preliminary statistical analysis, by ANOVA method, the high levels of age, professional field, gender, level of education, graduation year and work place where identified p <0.001.

Keywords: Professional balance, the purpose of serving, autonomy and independence, pure provocation, health, vitality, stress

Pages: 6-18 | Full text (PDF)


Authors: Rodica CRUDU, Veronica MÎRZÎNCU

Abstract: The migration of professionals from their countries of origin is called the ”brain-drain phenomenon”. In the countries of destination is generating the adverse phenomenon - ”brain gain”. Erasmus is the most used programme by Moldavian students in the cultural and studying exchange in the European Union. The goal of this article is to analyse the main ways of integration of intellectual migrants, especially the students in the destination countries. The objectives are to identify the opportunities of foreign students in the European Union; to examine the situation of the migration of Moldavian youth in the European Union; to determine the achievements and perspectives of succesfull Moldovian young people in the European Union. The research study was elaborated based on qualitative and quantitative methods: official reports, statistical data, artciles, books, etc.

Keywords: migration, brain-gain, brain drain, Erasmus, intellectual students, instruments, platforms.

Pages: 19-23 | Full text (PDF)


Authors: Marina POPA, Valentin TOMBRACHEVICI

Abstract: Relations between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova have intensified in the past years. Moldova joined the EU's Eastern Partnership in 2009 and the EU-Moldova Association Agreement entered into force on 1 July 2016. This includes the introduction of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area. The Association Agreement provides for stronger political association and economic integration between the EU and the Republic of Moldova and has created constantly growing trade between the partners. The EU’s assistance supports the modernisation of Moldova through reforms for growth and jobs as well as for the respect of human rights and the strengthening of democracy. Today, the EU announces that it will not transfer any further funds to the Moldovan state budget to support any reforms. The EU has closely observed the reform process and noted that the Moldovan authorities showed insufficient commitment to reforming the justice sector in 2014 and 2015. With insufficient allocation of funds and personnel, the necessary reforms have not been carried out. As a result, progress has not been sufficient. This means that the Moldovan authorities have not fulfilled the EU's conditions for receiving the last financial transfer under the justice reform programme. This sum will not be paid to the Moldovan state budget, but remain with the EU.

Keywords: cooperation, projects, reforms, assistance, development, resources, partnership.

Pages: 24-31 | Full text (PDF)


Authors: Inga BULAT

Abstract: Investments are an important stimulus to the state's economic, cultural and social development, and within the national economy, investment is the fundamental element that initiates and develops any human activity, which is the engine for an active system. The positive effects of investments for the national economy are not limited to economic growth but also social one. The mission of states in expenditures on the principles of efficiency and effectiveness is achieving further development profits. Each international actor sets his investment policy through the legislative environment, which by its complexity and difference to the regional and global plan ensures the essential conditions in the economic game of attracting investments.

Keywords:method, investment, evaluation, cost benefit analysis, risk.

Pages: 32-46 | Full text (PDF)