CSIE Working Papers
ISSN 2537-6187

Issue 4 | March 2017

Actualitatea dezvoltării managementului riscurilor economico-sociale în silvicultură din România

Authors: Cătălin Ionel IDRICEANU

Abstract: Cercetarea reprezintă o argumentare a stării actuale a situaţiei ecologice în sectorul silvic al României şi identificarea rolului managementului durabil în silvicultură. Starea actuală a resurselor naturale în general şi inclusiv în România este influienţată pe de o parte de limitarea resurselor naturale pe glob şi lupta privind necesitatea păstrării patrimoniului şi resurselor naturale, iar pe de altă parte de creşterea necesităţilor economico-sociale ale polpulaţiei în creştere demografică.

Keywords: managementul riscurilor, silvicultură, dezvoltare durabilă

Pages: 6-11 | Full text (PDF)

Abordarea integrată a sistemelor de monitorizare a riscurilor bancare

Authors: Victoria COCIUG, Victoria POSTOLACHE

Abstract:The study of essentially banking risks was the basis to note that the risk is the historical category that requires understanding when making a decision in a certain situation in the presence of an alternative, which does not give confidence in obtaining a positive result after the implementation of the decision. Maintenance of a banking institution, must be put to a number of principles: awareness of risk-taking, handling, consistency, comparability of the level of exposure to the level of profitability of operations and its financial capacity of the bank, management efficiency, time-based operations and benchmarks banking strategy, accounting risk transfer opportunities.

Keywords: banking risks, banking strategy, bank monitoring, financial crisis, BASEL III

Pages: 12-20 | Full text (PDF)

Probleme şi perspective de dezvoltare a gestiunii bancare în situaţii de criză

Authors: Victoria COCIUG, Victoria POSTOLACHE

Abstract: Crisis management in the banking sector is a set of system management activities, which is a comprehensive, systemic in nature and aimed at preventing or eliminating adverse banking phenomena of business through the use of the capacity of management, development and implementation of specific strategic programs that address the temporary difficulties, to preserve and increase its market positions in all circumstances, while relying mainly on its own resources. For the successful practice of crisis management are often used analytical methods, which consist of studying the financial situation of the bank by qualified specialists, involving the top management of banks and their key departments. The aim of this study is to identify problems in the risk management system and develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of the organizational structure of the bank.

Keywords: activity risks, effective systems of banking risks management, stress test, toxic assets, early warning systems

Pages: 21-28 | Full text (PDF)

Conținutul disponibilității în procesul civil și procedura de executare în condiţiile armonizării legislaţiei europene

Authors: Olga CIOBANU, Liuba PRUTEANU

Abstract:This work is dedicated to a theme very important - content of availability in the civil and procedure execution. The principle of availability means that the parties can determine not only the existence process by triggering court proceedings and freedom to end the process before working a decision on the merits of the claim before the judge, but also the contents of the by framing on procedural and other participants in the process, phases and steps that the lawsuit could scroll through. As the holder of subjective material has the exclusive prerogative to exercise his right, and the procedural plan, the exclusive prerogative of the exercise of subjective procedural law is manifested, it representing the content of the principle of availability. Taking a general characterization of this notion are analyzed in this paper means procedural principle content is concerned and on which parties can exercise availability.

Keywords: Availability; Principle; Procedure execution; Procedural principle

Pages: 29-37 | Full text (PDF)

Implementation of the corporate governance code as a measure of an efficiency increasing process in corporate management

Authors: Ana SPÎNU, Ecaterina BURLEA

Abstract:The majority of leaders of economic entities in Moldova should recognize the role of effective corporate management for the proper development of their activities. Therefore, to ensure obtaining competitive advantage, the leaders must accept the fact that the policy of improvement of corporate management becomes a major component of enterprise development, and using the principles and best practices of corporate governance are already highlighted both at the level of their enterprises and at international level. Therefore, the authors of the article present some measures to streamline corporate management.

Keywords: corporate management, corporate governance, corporate governance code

Pages: 38-52 | Full text (PDF)