CSIE Working Papers
ISSN 2537-6187

Issue 3 | December 2016

The European Union and Republic of Moldova Association Agreement’s impact on national economy

Authors: Svetlana COVAȘ, Rodica CRUDU

Abstract:This scientific article seeks to explain the role of the Association Agreement on the national market and its impact over the economy as a whole. The Republic of Moldova is passing nowadays through a weak economy, resulted from the Russian embargoes and the great Moldovan bank robbery. However, due to AA and DCFTA agreements, indicators tend to grow. The article attempts to provide an evaluation of the changes, impact, and perspectives of the European Integration through the agreements ratified two years ago.


Pages: 6-18 | Full text (PDF)

Ways of improving the investment climate in the Republic of Moldova. Case Study: Baltic States

Authors: Violeta MIHAILOVA, Larisa DODU-GUGEA

Abstract: Investment has become a strategic priority for Moldova due to the awareness that attracting investments and creating an appropriate business environment for the market economy, represent the basic factors that contribute to an improvement in productive capacity and an increase in competitiveness of an economy. The quality of the investment climate is linked to poverty reduction by the impact of better investment environments on private sector activity, and thus on economic growth and employment. This research paper evaluates the investment environment in details and determines the impact of the factors that influence it, in order to come up with solutions of removing those barriers to investment, therefore, improve the investment climate in the Republic of Moldova.

Keywords: investment climate, improvement, economy, factors, Baltic States, Moldova, FDI, e-government

Pages: 19- 33 | Full text (PDF)

Influența proiectelor de infrastructura asupra competitivității tehnologice, economice și sociale a Republicii Moldova

Authors: Iurii ZAMA

Abstract:Dezvoltarea infrastructurii din perspectiva calitativa si cantitativa a constituit dintotdeauna o prioritate majora si totodată o metoda de dezvoltare economica sau de relansare economica in perioade de criza. Pentru Republica Moldova decalajul substantial dintre nivelul local si cel regional de dezvoltare a infrastructurii reprezintă încă o dificultate majoră cu consecințe directe asupra competitivității economice-sociale, precum si cel al atragerii fluxurilor de investiții străine. Indiferent de orientarea prioritara a unei națiuni asupra infrastructurii sociale sau economice, ansamblul de interacțiuni dintre ambele direcții reflecta nivelul de dezvoltare si bunăstare a unei națiuni. Din cauza necesitaților intensive de capital necesar pentru promovarea proiectelor de infrastructura, Republica Moldova nu poate executa fără surse externe de finanțare investițiile necesare pentru accelerarea si menținerea ritmului de dezvoltare regional. Acest studiu are drept scop de a determinarea impactului si importantei pe care îl au sau îl pot avea proiectele de infrastructura asupra competitivității tehnologice, economice si sociale a Republicii Moldova.

Keywords: Infrastructura, Competitivitate, Productivitate, Investiții, Dezvoltare Economică

Pages: 34-48 | Full text (PDF)

Experienţa parcursului economic de vecinătate - securitatea economică a României

Authors: Viorica ŢURCANU

Abstract:The importance of the subject of national economic security is one of the main problems facing most national economies. At present, the process of globalization which included full and multi-criteria most countries, is one of the important conditions of development, including economically. Thus, economic development and security (national, regional or international) is the major landmarks in manifesting major global changes and those within each country and, therefore, of every citizen. In these circumstances, a strong, powerful and, not least, competitive, stable in terms of macro-economic and exchange in terms of the tempo of development and adaptation to new conditions of exchange, represents an important basis for creating a policy security truly secure. Given the apparent importance of the subject of specific system in which we live today, the economic situation and the policy of the West European countries.

Keywords: economic security, globalization, national, problems, policy, conditions of development, competitive, development and adaptation etc.

Pages: 49-57 | Full text (PDF)