CSIE Working Papers
ISSN 2537-6187

Issue 1 | June 2016

Unificarea Monetară și impactul asupra economiei. Rezultate ale Implementării monedei euro

Authors: Vasile Valentin STAN, Boris CHISTRUGA

Abstract:Moneda unică europeană a fost proiectată să aducă unitate şi stabilitate pe piaţa europeană şi în acelaşi timp să încurajeze statele membre ale Uniunii Europene să adere la criteriile de convergenţă, care le propulsează pozitiv din punct de vedere economic. Extinderea teritorială a Uniunii a scos la iveală şi mai mult faptul că diferenţele de civilizaţie, diversitatea culturală şi diferenţele de implicare economică sunt extrem de diferite de la o zonă europeană la alta. Astfel, implementarea monedei euro a creat discuţii cu privire la eficacitatea ei locală şi teritorială.

Keywords: zona euro, moneda unică, criza economică, criza financiară, productivitatea muncii, migraţia forţei de muncă, Uniunea Europeană, Europa Centrală şi de Sud, Europa Centrală şi de Est.

Pages: 6-14 | Full text (PDF)

Export-Oriented Economy-A New Model of Development for the Republic of Moldova


Abstract:The severe impact of the global financial crisis on Moldovan economy was accompanied by an increase in unemployment and fluctuations of inflation, reduction of foreign direct investment and external trade. One of the most important lessons of the global financial crisis of 2009 for the Republic of Moldova was accentuating the necessity to give up to the support of remittances, which determines that our economy is based on consumption and imports and should follow a qualitative model of growth. Consumption based growth, due to remittances is not qualitative growth and does not create jobs. That’s why it is a vital necessity for Moldova to pass to a new path of economic growth, namely to an economic growth based on increase competitiveness.

Keywords: export-oriented, model, transition, financial crisis

Pages: 15- 21 | Full text (PDF)

Regionalism and Economic Processes with Global Impact

Authors: Marina TABAC

Abstract:Regionalism has become one of the most discussed topics at the moment, in recent years and become one of the central challenges of the future in the modern system of international relations. Finally, in the XIX-XX centuries, scientists have expressed it a worldwide phenomenon through a process of radical change "external environment" and significant internal changes. It can be expressed in the world in one way or another, even if it has not been shown modest form until recently. Currently, regionalism and regional integration are considered as key indicators of international developments in the research of foreign policy and international relations. Theory followed the end of the era of "Cold War" and entered the post-bipolar world, multi-faceted development stage. The attention of researchers has grown to regionalization and regional integration by increasing the role and activities of regional organizations such as the EU, ASEAN, APEC and NAFTA, which coordinates the process of decision-making at supranational level, as well as issues of international regulation.

Keywords: regionalism, regional integration, export, import

Pages: 22-30 | Full text (PDF)

European Energy Integration in East European Countries: Real Necessity to Assure Fair Market prices for Energy Resources

Authors: Augustin IGNATOV

Abstract:In order to assure energy, and therefore, economic stability of East European States (hereafter EES) there should be undertaken visible steps towards deeper energetic integration of the region under the coordination of EU. In such a way there will be considerably strengthened the regional economic security through creating functional mechanisms of solving current and potential energy issues including diversification of supplies and fairer market prices. Moreover, it will be possible to develop and implement more effectively energy infrastructure projects. Deeper and more functional energy integration in EES will create favorable preconditions of fostering the states’ economic development. Also, there will be considerably reduced the macroeconomic risks which could possible occur as a result of the struggle of interests of importing and supplying countries. The current paper is intended to underline the most important weaknesses in terms of energy security of EES and exemplify how efficient these problems could be tackled by cumulating common countries’ efforts in the sector. Also, it highlights the shortcomings of EU energy policy in EES and how these affect the economic prospective of the countries. Finally, it is remarked that EES need a common energy market in order to strengthen their negotiation positions in relation with supplying countries.

Keywords:  Energy integration; European Energy Community; Monopolistic position; Fair market pricing; Regional Integration

Pages: 31- 44 | Full text (PDF)