Authors: Dr. Rodica CRUDU, Mihaela PETRICI
Abstract: Nowadays, in a world of constant economic change, SMEs and technology transfer play a key role when it comes to innovation. SMEs are directly engaged in the development and commercialization of innovations. They are also adopters of innovations developed by other organizations, they provide ideas and inputs to ideas generation that are exploited by large firms, universities/research organizations and other small firms. However, SMEs often face larger barriers on capital and labour markets than larger established businesses. It is for that reason that multiple policy measures have been adopted to target those firms and their opportunities to engage in innovation, which is why this study aims to reflect upon the characteristics of the technology transfer in the Republic of Moldova through means of a SME case study.
Keywords: technology transfer; innovation; SME; Republic of Moldova
Pages: 6-19 | Full text (PDF)
Authors: Luminita DIACONU
Abstract: Knowledge of teachers’ beliefs is central to understanding teachers’ decision-making in the classroom. The present study explores international language teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism and the use of a multilingual pedagogical approach in the third-language (L3) classroom. This study analyzed data collected with 12 teachers of French (N = 4), German (N = 2) and Spanish (N = 6) using qualitative content analysis. Three main themes emerged from the analysis. (1) The teachers view multilingualism as a potentially positive asset. Although they think that multilingualism has benefited their own language learning, they do not conclude that multilingualism is automatically an asset to students. (2) The teachers claim to make frequent use of their students’ linguistic knowledge of English when teaching the L3. However, the teachers rarely focus on the transfer of learning strategies because they believe that learning an L3 is completely different from learning the second language L2 English. (3) The teachers think that collaboration across languages could enhance students’ language learning; however, no such collaboration currently exists.
Keywords: multilingualism, learning teachers’ beliefs, multilingual pedagogy, language awareness, third-language language learning strategies
Pages: 20-24 | Full text (PDF)
Authors: Serghei VASILACHI
Abstract: Teaching students to be literate is a high educational priority in the Republic of Moldova, as it is certainly throughout the world. The purpose of the article is to show why the classroom environment undergoes a constant change, and how teachers face the challenge of combining the traditional instruction with the computer-assisted one. For those students who want to become proficient in a new language it is a very difficult transition. Instructors who have taught students learning English as a foreign language know that any language support is helpful for their language acquisition. The methods proposed by Liaw and Kang have demonstrated that students who learn English need a variety of language experiences. We believe that ICTs along with computer literacy can play an integral part in providing ELL students with valuable language experiences as they learn a new language in the context of its both domestic and foreign social value growth.
Keywords: technology, learner, proficiency, CAI, fluency, comprehension, software, interaction
Pages: 25-28 | Full text (PDF)
Authors: Elena SIMCIUC, Dragoș CIMPOIEȘ
Abstract: Gestionarea cu succes a activităților inovaționale a devenit premisa de bază pentru dezvoltarea atît a companiilor, cât și a economiilor naționale. La nivel național, guvernele formează sisteme de inovare al căror scop principal este crearea condițiilor în care știința, managementul și tehnologia pot să înflorească, prin urmare să își transfere prin agenții economici rezultatele în noi succese inovaționale solicitate de piața de desfacere de mîine. Pentru a concura și păstra poziția supremă antreprenorii sunt nevoiți să utilizeze toate mijloace posibile, în primul rînd, legate de capacitățile intelectuale ale omului, cum ar fi creativitatea; agilitatea de a se adapta rapid la mediul înconjurător, cerințele clienților care se schimbă în mod constant și capacitatea de a face față concurenței tot mai intense. În acest caz, managementul inovațional reprezintă o posibilitate de punere în aplicare a factorilor care fortifică mediul inovațional organizațional, cum ar fi: cultura inovațională, spiritul antreprenorial și orientarea spre piață. În asemenea condiții, este logic să examinăm rolul și importanța managementului inovațional pentru agenții economici din Republica Moldova. În acest articol sunt prezentate rezultatele cercetării datelor primare privind implementarea managementului inovațional de către antreprenorii din Republica Moldova în perioada 2011-2015. Scopul principal este analiza datelor colectate pentru evaluarea unui asemenea tip de management. Metodele de cercetare sunt: observaţia, sondaj de opinii, analiza documentelor, analiza datelor cantitative şi analiza datelor calitative. Prezentarea concluziilor referitor la problema evaluării rolului și importanței managementului inovațional pentru agenții economici din Republica Moldova.
Keywords: management inovațional, sector antreprenorial, perioadă de tranziție
Pages: 29-34 | Full text (PDF)