2016 selection
Elevating the Internationalization  of Higher Education in Moldova (ELEVATE) READ MORE
2015 selection
Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence in European Economic Integration (INTEGRA) READ MORE
2013 selection
Fostering the knowledge triangle in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova (FKTBUM) READ MORE
Jean Monnet Chair “Moldova towards regional and cross-border development” (REGDEV) READ MORE
Co-operation of SEE science parks for the promotion of transnational market uptake of R&D results and technologies by SMEs (SEETechnology) READ MORE
2012 selection
Inter-university Start-up centers for students’ innovations development & promotion (SUCSID)   READ MORE
Fostering Sustainable and Autonomous Higher Education Systems in the Eastern Neighbouring Area (ATHENA) READ MORE
2010 selection
Ro-Ua-Md project „Cross-border educational exchange in European Studies – favorable framework in the diminishing of the border effects at the eastern frontier of the EU- CEDES” (2010-2011) READ MORE
JEAN MONNET project “Strengthening understanding of the European Neighbourhood Policy and Eastern Partnership” (2010-2011) (Agreement nr. 2010-2717/001-001). READ MORE
2008 selection
EuropeAid project „BRIDGE - Fostering mutual understanding and cooperation of the EU with Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Russia” 2008-2012 READ MORE
2006 selection
TEMPUS project „Master Studies in European Integration and Neighbourhood Policy in Moldova-MEINEPO” 2006-2009 READ MORE