About C.S.I.E.

The Center for Studies in European Integration (C.S.I.E.) was established by the Academy of Economic Studies from Moldova. C.S.I.E. was created through the project TEMPUS JEP_27034_2006 „Master Studies in European Integration and Neighborhood Policy - MEINEPO”.
C.S.I.E. functions as an inter-faculties department within the Academy of Economic Studies on the basis of its Regulations.

C.S.I.E. has a young team of 6 persons (basic) which in partnership with invited experts provide academic programs in education, research and consulting, elaborated to promote European values, to encourage the dialogue regarding European integration and to contribute to the access of the Republic of Moldova in European Union. Its activities have a practical purpose connected to the elaboration of policies in the following fields: regional and cross-border economic development, local governance, development of social and financial entrepreneurship within universities. The Center is acting as a connection element between academic environments, policy makers, and local and regional business environments.

C.S.I.E. ensures the management of on-going projects and provides support services for different target groups.
C.S.I.E. Mission is to contribute to the development of an adequate cultural, economic and social environment within the process of Republic of Moldova’s European integration.

General objectives of the C.S.I.E. are:

  1. Induction, dissemination and institutionalization of the ideas belonging to European civilization and synchronization with the EU model as a viable alternative for the Republic of Moldova;
  2. Development of a responsible option of the citizens and local communities regarding European integration, in the values of individualism, citizenship and western economic rationalism which generated modern Europe;
  3. Development of an organizational culture in Republic of Moldova’s public institutions and business enterprises, which would emphasize individual competences and principles of an open society.

Special objectives of the C.S.I.E. are:

  1. The initiation and development of education in European Integration;
  2. Expanding and strengthening of the European studies disciplines within undergraduate education and academic institutions;
  3. Development of scientific research in European integration focusing on EU enlargement to East European countries and South Caucasus and improvement of integration perspectives for the Republic of Moldova within the European Neighborhood Policy, through regional development and strengthening of border cooperation;
  4. Facilitation and promotion of public awareness regarding the deepening and expanding process of European integration;
  5. Providing professional support for the elaboration and management of European projects.