Volume 4 | Issue 2 | DECEMBER 2018
Author: Zenun HALILI
Abstract: Kosovo, a new state which is in the process of international recognition of its statehood, after the 1999 war, and until the declaration of independence in 2008, has faced a number of challenges during its efforts to build the democratic system and order. Following the declaration of independence and a considerable number of international recognitions, Kosovo’s new democratic institutions are taking their responsibilities for the country's integration into the European Union. This paper provides one overview of state building challenges and the European integration process of the Republic of Kosovo. Kosovo has its old and new history, which was decided by the great powers in London, Berlin, Paris, in Yalta and Potsdam, and later in Dayton and Rambouillet. The purpose of this paper is to examine the historical roots of the independence movement among Kosovo Albanians, until the declaration of independence on
February 17, 2008, and the state-creating challenges of the Kosovo state. Like other Western Balkan aspiring members, Kosovo's politicians and its population are fully committed to the process of European Integration. Being the last state from the Balkan Peninsula, Kosovo signed with EU a Stabilization and Association Agreement. EU membership is on the horizon, but Kosovo expects great work to achieve its objective.
Keywords: Kosovo, Albanians, peace-building, state-building, challenges, EU, integration.
Pages: 4-17 | Full text (PDF)
Research background:
In the international literature we can find great examples of research in the field of innovation and technological cooperation boosting between companies. Confrontation of theory and empirical research shows that meaning of cooperation and geographical closeness for innovative activity as well as the quality and effectiveness of public support are still ambiguous. Public support of technological cooperation is connected with different components of innovative network, that shows the need of horizontal cooperation, what is legitimate in developed countries.
Great example of that kind of international network is Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). Innovative cooperation and technology transfer infiltration always have been a subject of research, but still there are issues to investigate. Because of that reason, there was a research hypothesis created: international technology transfer performed among companies and other economic entities accelerates innovative processes and gives profits for both players.
Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to show different aspects among cooperation and technology transfer and trial to evaluate its synergical impact on international innovative activity of companies.
Methodology/methods: This paper illustrates theoretical and empirical research in the scope of many aspects of innovative cooperation and technology transfer. The empirical analysis focused on data from the Enterprise Europe Network in 2009-2015 and interviews with offices supporting companies in starting and performing of international technological cooperation. The presentation of spatial connections of technological cooperation was illustrated by the Gastner Newman’s amorphous eumorphous) choropleth, created in the ArcMap 10.4.1 programme with the use of the quantile method.
Findings: The article discusses the role of cooperation among network in the international technology transfer. A special analytical emphasis was put on the public networks supporting such cooperation. Specific knowledge and technology is very often out of reach for companies (especially SMEs) because of costs or limited access, and cooperation provides the opportunity to create new relations which can integrate ideas and knowledge, and in effect, lead to new ground-breaking innovations. There is also the significant element like public support for companies in the whole technology transfer process.
Keywords: technology, support, cooperation, innovation, management.
Pages: 18-30 | Full text (PDF)
Abstract: In the paper an experience of cross-disciplinal master studying in Belarus and EU universities is analyzed. The analysis of the European educational system development have allowed to reveal such relevant direction of capacity building in master training development as a combination of engineering sciences with management and entrepreneurship knowledge. Unlike other narrower directions, the master programs combining engineering and business is demanded practically in all branches of business, irrespective of the size of the enterprises, and at the different administrative levels - from top management to project management. Most of the modern enterprises in the world passed and pass to digital form of business, in combination with traditional form or without it. Therefore the business development strategy, both in the European countries, and in the CIS, includes such obligatory element as digital entrepreneurship development. At the same time the higher education as the supplier of personnel resources for business, has to follow this strategy. On the base of this research results new direction of master education - digital engineering entrepreneurship - is supposed. Innovation character of digital engineering entrepreneurship master program is described. Qualitative effects from new master graduation are revealed.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, engineering, digitalization, master studying, Bologna Process, innovations
Pages: 31-49 | Full text (PDF)
Author: Mariana ZUBENSCHI
Abstract: This article deals with the systemic and atomic approach issues of investigating the post-intervention outcomes. The concept of psychosocial modelling was to ensure the professional balance of doctors, teachers and social workers.
Thus, data analysis revealed that some psychosocial factors that had significant relationships at the end of the formation "Anchoring the Professional Balance State" did not show the same Pearson significance chart. These facts have led us to study another kind of significant Pearson relations, the pre-intervention variables in their relationship with post-intervention, so the significant relationships identified have explained why in the case of complex variables some of them contribute to trainings and others may disappear following the same trainings sessions. This fact made us to structure the data that we received in a 3D model, which, besides facilitating the analysis of the obtained Pearson relations, also explained the phenomenon of complex psychosocial variables.
The article, only will discuss about the case of the complex variable – Professional Demands, in the significant Pearson relations identified with the other investigated factors (Professional Activity and Health State).
Keywords: 3D model of analysis, Professional Demands and Activities, transient variables, reflexive and rebound reality, professional balance.
Pages: 50-57 | Full text (PDF)
Author: Yılmaz Onur ARİ, Ümit YILDIZ
Abstract: Transfer expenditures are public expenditures, which do not make a visible change on national income, but generate mobility in the production of goods and services by those who acquire resources by means of which some resources are exchanged for unrequited hands between individuals and institutions. Transfer expenditures can be a factor that decreases unemployment in the economy as well as it can be a factor that increases unemployment.
In this study, the relationship between transfer expenditure and labor force participation rate was analyzed for the period 1988-2017 using annual data of the variables. In this context, the Johansen Cointegration Analysis was firstly used to determine whether there is a long-term relationship between the two variables, followed by the Granger Causality Analysis which investigated the causality relationship between the variables. In the study, it was concluded that there is a one way causality relation from the transfer expenditures to the labor participation rate.
Keywords: Transfer Expenditures, Workforce Participation Rate, Turkish Economy, Public Expenditures, Employment
Pages: 58-72 | Full text (PDF)
Author: Wei-Bin Zhang
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to extend Uzawa’s two-sector for a national economy to an economy with any number of regions. The paper studies interregional economic development with interactions among wealth accumulation, environmental change and economic structure under assumptions of profit maximization, utility maximization, and perfect competition. Although the model itself is a straightforward extension of Zhang’s two-region growth to any number of regions, the main contribution of this paper is that it succeeds in simulating the motion of the multi-region economy. This also enables us to effectively deal with comparative dynamic analysis to see how changes in local amenity, the propensity to save, the propensity to consume housing, and regional technologies have effects on national income and wealth, population distribution, regional environment within a general equilibrium theoretical framework.
Keywords: multi-region economic dynamics; interregional inequality; regional disparities in wealth and income; wealth accumulation; amenity
Pages: 73-93 | Full text (PDF)
Author: Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI, Ecaterina RUSU
Abstract: Knowledge creation and innovation represent the result of an interactive process of collaboration between various actors that come together to solve the problems they face. However, due to the complexity of the knowledge dimension, the creation and exchange of information don’t occur automatically, it requires a special environment that could facilitate these processes. Spatial clustering of economic activity proved to be an efficient way to organize interactive learning processes, offering the perfect infrastructure for fostering that collaboration between its participants, from which all of them can grasp advantages in terms of acquiring new technical, organizational, commercial or intellectual competences.
Keywords: economic clusters, triple helix cluster model, knowledge-spillovers, innovation, entrepreneurial university
Pages: 94-107 | Full text (PDF)