Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies
ISSN: 2537-6179 | e-ISSN: 1857-436X

Volume 2 | Issue 1 | June 2016

Innovative Higher Education: Balance between the Cooperation and Competition

Authors: Andrius PUKSAS

Abstract: Nothing is fostering innovations in higher education faster than 'demand for required solution' and 'demand for stronger position or leadership.' The first demand is for friendly cooperation among institutions; the second is for competition. Noticeably, that second demand, highlighting a few important aspects, is closely related to the first one – gaining a stronger position sometimes means a sort of contribution in order to solve related problems. The Vice versa effect, when the successful solution strengthens the position in the market, is also frequent. In order to cover the wide spectrum of demand, both 'solution' and 'leadership' should be understood in an extensive context. Analysis
of related preconditions proves that both cooperation and competition are essential elements of the behavioral policy of higher education institutions.

Keywords: innovations, higher education, demand, cooperation, competition

Pages:  5-16 | Full text (PDF)

Analysis of the Budgetary Process of the European Union

Authors: Andrei PETROIA

Abstract: The European Union is one of the most significant economic and politic power of the world. Understanding its model of functioning brings us closer to understanding the current situation and the trends of development of the world. The budgetary process is only one of the interesting aspects of the functioning of the European Union. Also, being given the context of the Budget notion, the European Union budget represents an interesting research topic. The result of the research revealed information regarding the European Union budgetary process. Following the flow of the research, it offers clues to understanding the effectiveness and the success key of this mechanism.

Keywords: budget, EU budget, budgetary system, budgetary process, European Union

Pages: 17-34 | Full text (PDF)

Mainstreaming Highly Skilled Migration into Development: the Case of the Republic of Moldova

Authors: Eugeniu BURDELNII

Abstract: Following the process of globalization, human capital has turned into a major driver of economic growth and countries around the world are up in a global race for “best and brightest”. The countries of origin of highly skilled migrants (HSMs), such as Moldova, represent a country where the impact of skilled migration on development are new issues on the public agenda. HSMs could become the spillovers of development if a state succeeds to implement effective political, social and economic reform, creating a favorable domestic enabling environment for returnees.

Keywords: globalization, highly skilled migration, mainstreaming, development, return and reintegration, Republic of Moldova, push and pull factors

Pages: 35-50 | Full text (PDF)

Educating the Young Generation for Prospective Parenthood in the Context of Modern World Challenges

Authors: Nadejda OVCERENCO

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to investigate the problem of prospective parenting education for teenagers. The research is motivated by the decreased value of parenting and its impact on young people's conscience and behaviour. It analyzes the strategic plan of prospective parenting education at pre-university level, the school potential in the field under research and the evaluation of teachers' competences to cope with the problem of parenting for teenagers. Two strategies of capitalizing the school curricula regarding prospective parenting education for young people are examined and suggested as potential solutions for improvement.

Keywords: parental love, parental obligations, parenting education, formative pedagogical model

Pages: 51-62 | Full text (PDF)

Comparative Analysis of the Government of Moldova and Georgia's Management of the Education Sector. The Magic Wand or the Achilles Heel?

Authors: Marcel OLARI

Abstract: Human capital is one of the few resources that can offer to the Republic of Moldova a comparative advantage. However, if labor is not specialized in fields required by potential investors – job providers – human capital remains an untapped resource. The development of human resources and the efficient use of existing potential are two of the most important factors contributing to comprehensive economic growth of Georgia. Fast economic growth is an important precondition for increasing population's welfare and reducing poverty. At the same time, creation of equal opportunities for developing human capital through provision of quality services, social justice and strengthening the social systems is necessary as it provides access to quality education and healthcare systems. This research paper consists in an analysis of the political views of Moldova and
Georgia's Government on Education sector. Also, to understand better the issues related to this area, I will focus my attention more on the financial aspects of this sector. In order to obtain the correct comparative analysis of the Moldova and Georgia' situation, I will use the macroeconomic aggregates. The methods used in this research document are chronologically and progressive analysis. Finally, it is supposed to be able to respond at the question: the Government of Moldova and Georgia's Management of the Education sector. The Magic wand or the Achilles heel?

Keywords: education, General Government Expenditures (GGE), General Government Expenditures on Education (GGEE), competitiveness, EU Association Agreement

Pages: 63-73 | Full text (PDF)

The Row Material Policy In Poor And Small Countries

Authors: Lilia ŞARGU, Alexander GRIBINCEA, Vadim ALEXEENCO

Abstract: The major tasks concerning economic diversification and modernization mean the importance of priorities for foreign policy regarding economic diplomacy. Thinking about the governmental tasks for prioritizing directions of foreign trade activities, by attracting international investors, by upgrading technology, importing advanced foreign technologies, exporting development, and promoting national economic interests abroad. The Governmental structures and authorized institutions always relay on importance for external economic policy, focusing on achieving concrete economic results. In a globalized industrialization, tasks of economic modernization, development of the resource and infrastructure establishing for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, tasks that require intensification of economic cooperation in a widespread area. The particular importance in this research has the close relationship between cooperation within international organizations with universal or regional interests. Achieving the objectives of economic diplomacy will help improve the competitiveness of the economy ultimately, create new industries and jobs and economic growth of the country as a whole.

Keywords: poor countries, raw materials, trade, export, import advanced technology

Pages: 74-82 | Full text (PDF)

New Forms of Scientific Communication for Research Intensification

Authors: Oxana SAVCIUC, Elena RAILEAN

Abstract: Development of an effective system of interaction between the scientist and scientific library will optimize the information services for scientists and will promote the development of national science on the basis of new forms of scientific communication.

Keywords: scientific communication, electronic information, information needs, scientific library, electronic journals, databases, blogs, forums, repositories, chat, file sharing, e-mail

Pages: 83-90 | Full text (PDF)

Cybernetic Approach in Regional Infrastructure of Governance/ E-Governance to Long-Life Developement ( Study in Social Cybernetics)

Authors: Dumitru BALANEL

Abstract: The paper formulates and demonstrates a lot of theorems on regional social cybernetic systems, including electoral / administrative systems of country. It is the nucleus of a formal system. The paper introduces in scientific circuit concepts of national ring, core of national ring, constructive system, destructive system, optimal number of parties. By author first it formulated cybernetic criteria to driving the regional cybernetic social system in real time.

Keywords: cybernetic systems, concepts, politics, governance

Pages: 91-108 | Full text (PDF)

The Role of Scientific Research in Modern Society

Authors: Maia GRÎU

Abstract: Research, development and innovation is for any country the engine of its economic and social development. Common concern of all countries for science and scientific research appears as a recognition of their role in ensuring the welfare of human civilization.The level of society development is determined mainly by performance of its education and research systems, educational level of its citizens, the quality of research activity products and equitable access of all potential users to the services and products of these systems.

Keywords: scientific research, fundamental research, applied research, development research, technological progress, innovation

Pages:109-114 | Full text (PDF)

The Role of Location Advantages of the Republic of Moldova for Transnational Corporations and FDI towards European Integration

Authors: Maria CHISCA

Abstract: The article provides an overview of the key insights resulting from international business research on the interactions between location advantages and the competitiveness of transnational corporations and FDI. It describes the relative contribution of home country specific advantages and host country specific advantages to transnational corporations' competitiveness; it concludes that host country specific advantages, and in this case particularly Republic of Moldova's country specific advantages, may become increasingly important to integrate into European Union, to achieve global competitiveness and to attract FDI.

Keywords: business, competitiveness, transnational corporations, European Union

Pages: 115-123 | Full text (PDF)

Bank deposits, notions and features of accounting

Authors: Georgeta MELNIC

Abstract: Bank deposits are the main method of raising capital and short-term available savings. The opening and using of the bank deposits is the main function of banks. In 2004 the Deposit Guarantee Fund was set up in the Republic of Moldova of Deposit Guarantee Fund and for the first time there was established a guaranteed bank minimum in case of bank insolvency which is currently 6,000 lei for the deposit of each natural person.

Keywords: banking deposits, interest, deposits payable on demand, fixed-term deposits, deposit account, and deposit guarantee fund.

Pages: 124-131 | Full text (PDF)

Economic, social and gender aspects of the international migration in Moldova


Abstract: International labor migration is one of the most marked phenomenon that characterize the current situation on the Moldovan labor market. Geographical and gender distribution in labor migration is largely determined by the type of work that provide migrant workers. Women migrate to provide domestic and care services abroad, delegating in the same time their responsibilities in this area to other people, leads to the constitution of so-called global care chains. Migration with the purpose of study in Moldova is accompanied by a negative phenomenon, of the departure of highly qualified specialists. International migration of highly skilled labor, known as "brain drain"clearly evokes a loss of intellectual capital. Moldova continues to be characterized as an origin country of human beings trafficking, being at lesser extent a country of transit of human trafficking victims from
NIS countries to Europe. The lack of some measures from the Government on “human capital loss” problem will essentially reduce the chances of exit from the crisis.

Keywords: migration, labor, migrant workers, intellectual capital, gender, social responsibility, brain drain, global care chains

Pages: 132-142 | Full text (PDF)

Employing human resources in banks

Authors: Ala ROLLER, Aliona ZUBIC

Abstract: The main objective of human resource management is to provide abilities and experience in this field, so as to achieve optimum performance and reliable, using the most appropriate methods. Human resource management involves continuous improvement activities of all employee's patrimonial entity in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


Pages: 143-149 | Full text (PDF)

Suitability for use of open market operations as a main tool of monetary control by the National bank of Moldova

Authors: Larisa MISTREAN

Abstract: The open-market have become the main instrument of monetary control in the developed countries, increased flexibility offered, from the point of view of volume of the monetary policy operations initiated by the central bank. They permit the establishment of impersonal relations between market participants, as well as inefficiency and to avoid market and of the economy, as a result of the direct control.

Keywords: monetary policy, REPO operations, reverse repo operations , open market operations, direct and indirect instruments, withdrawal of liquidity (sterilization), injection of liquidity, main refinancing operations, longer-term refinancing operations, fine-tuning operations.

Pages: 150-161 | Full text (PDF)

Unproductive Entrepreneurship, Institutional Change, and the Informal Economy: Entrepreneurial Potential in Moldova

Authors: Peter M. FRANK

Abstract: Entrepreneurship is often ubiquitous in developing countries, and many entrepreneurs operate in the informal economy and are often involved in unproductive activity. While entrepreneurs seek to maximize their returns given the existing institutions, they also respond to the level of state capacity and the supporting structures of national and regional governance. We tackle the question of governmental legitimacy given that entrepreneurs in Eastern Europe operate in states with weak governance institutions. We test the degree to which the standard maximization of private returns decision holds by surveying informal entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova. The institutions that
determine high versus low state capacity motivate entrepreneurs toward a productive or unproductive use of resources and the capacity of government also impacts their pursuit of private returns resulting in higher social costs. We find that Moldovan entrepreneurs evade taxation for reasons beyond simple maximization rules.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, talent, informal economy, development, tax compliance, institutions, Unproductive Entrepreneurship, state capacity

Pages: 162-173 | Full text (PDF)